Principal Investigator Cynthia Barnhart
Co-investigators Henry Jacoby , Robert Armstrong , Hari Balakrishnan , Moshe Ben-Akiva , Dara Entekhabi , Stephen Graves , R Hansman , Patrick Jaillet , Yossi Sheffi , John Sterman , Lawrence Susskind , Nigel Wilson , P Zegras
Project Website
Transportation@MIT is transforming global transportation systems to meet the economic and environmental mobility needs of the 21st century.
Hundreds of MIT faculty members work in areas related to transportation, from motor vehicles to urban infrastructure planning to aviation efficiency to adaptive technologies and their influence on personal behavior. The Transportation@MIT initiative knits together the wide-ranging, robust research already under way at the Institute and creates new opportunities for education and innovation.
Transportation@MIT draws on the strengths of three schools at MIT: the School of Engineering, the School of Architecture and Planning, and the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Building on MIT’s rich tradition of engineering research and interdisciplinary collaboration, Transportation@MIT knits together the wide-ranging, robust research already under way at the Institute and creates new opportunities for education and innovation.
A recent survey of 1,300 MIT faculty and staff found that researchers across the Institute are conducting transportation research in nearly every area of study. More than 240 faculty and research staff are working in areas related to transportation, from motor vehicles to urban infrastructure planning to aviation efficiency to adaptive technologies and their influence on personal behavior.
Transportation Research Groups include:Center for Ocean EngineeringCenter for Transportation & Logistics (CTL)Complex Systems Research LaboratoryComputer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL): CarTelCooperative Mobility ProgramFuture Urban Mobility, part of the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and TechnologyGlobal Airline Industry ProgramGlobal Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) NetworkIntelligent Transportation Research CenterIntelligent Transportation SystemsInternational Center for Air TransportationInternational Motor Vehicle ProgramLaboratory for Information and Decision SystemsMaterials Systems LaboratoryMIT Age LabMIT-Portugal: Sustainable Energy and Transportation SystemsMIT-Zaragoza International LogisticsNEXTOR: The National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations ResearchOperations Research Center (ORC)Partnership for Air Transportation Noise and Emissions ReductionSloan Automotive LaboratoryU.S. Transportation Productivity Study
The need for mobility is fundamental: from the vehicles we drive, to the public transit systems that deliver us from one place to another, to the enterprises that keep food, fuel, and the materials of daily life flowing. Many of our transportation needs, however, are currently met with vehicles, systems, institutions and assumptions that date back a century or more.
More than 240 MIT researchers from 15 departments in the School of Engineering, the Sloan School of Management and the School of Architecture and Planning are working every day on more energy efficient and environmentally friendly modes of transportation.