Prof. Dara Entekhabi

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Scien
Director, Earth System Initiative (ESI)

Primary DLC

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

MIT Room: 48-216C


James Long

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Earth Remote Sensing
Land-Atmosphere Interaction and Boundary Layer Rrocesses
Dynamics of Winter-Time Extra-Tropical Atmosphere and Its Predictability
Data Assimilation: Techniques Development and Applications
Land Evaporation Retrieval Using Multi-Platform Remotely Sensed Data
Sensor Network Model-Integration Closed-Loop Control
Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction and Hillslope Hydrology
Water and Climate

Research Summary

The objective of research within Prof. Entekhabi's group is to develop understanding of coupled land-atmosphere processes. The application of this understanding is directed towards the design of skillful pediction systems. The approach begins with the characterization of relevant heterogeneous fields such as precipitation, soil moisture and vegetation. Sensors on board satellites and aircraft, surface radar, and networks of in situ instruments are used to collect data that are then converted into fields of useful variables by merging them with models. In this data assimilation process models impose physical constraints on the retrievals.

Recent topics include: Land-atmosphere interaction and boundary layer processes; Dynamics of winter-time extra-tropical atmosphere and its predictability; Data Assimilation: Techniques development and applications; Land evaporation retrieval using multi-platform remotely sensed data; Sensor network model-integration closed-loop control; Surface water-groundwater interaction and hillslope hydrology

Recent Work