Prof. Muriel Medard

NEC Professor of Software Science and Engineering

Primary DLC

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

MIT Room: 36-512


Caroline Boutelant

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Network Coding
Information Theory
Wireless Networks
Social Television
High-Speed Access Networks
Wireless/Optical Interface
Robustness and Reliability of Optical Networks
Wideband Wireless Channels
Capacity of Time-Varying Channels
Capacity of Packetized Wireless Channels
Wireless Systems' Capacity and Fading Channels
Optical Networks
Network Robustness and Reliability

Research Summary

Professor Médard's research interests are in the areas of network coding and reliable communications, particularly for optical and wireless networks. She was awarded the 2009 Communication Society and Information Theory Society Joint Paper Award for the paper: Tracey Ho, Muriel Medard, Rolf Kotter, David Karger, Michelle Effros Jun Shi, Ben Leong, "A Random Linear Network Coding Approach to Multicast", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 10, pp. 4413-4430, October 2006. She was awarded the 2009 William R. Bennett Prize in the Field of Communications Networking for the paper: Sachin Katti , Hariharan Rahul, Wenjun Hu, Dina Katabi, Muriel Medard, Jon Crowcroft, "XORs in the Air: Practical Wireless Network Coding", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 16, Issue 3, June 2008, pp. 497 - 510.

Medard was awarded the IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Prize Paper Award 2002 for her paper, "The Effect Upon Channel Capacity in Wireless Communications of Perfect and Imperfect Knowledge of the Channel," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 46 Issue 3, May 2000, Pages: 935-946. She was co- awarded the Best Paper Award for G. Weichenberg, V. Chan, M. Medard, "Reliable Architectures for Networks Under Stress", Fourth International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2003), October 2003, Banff, Alberta, Canada. She received a NSF Career Award in 2001 and was co-winner 2004 Harold E. Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award, established in 1982 to honor junior faculty members "for distinction in research, teaching and service to the MIT community."

In 2007, Professor Medard was named a Gilbreth Lecturer by the National Academy of Engineering.

Recent Work

  • Video

    2020 Autonomy Day 2 - Muriel Medard

    April 9, 2020Conference Video Duration: 28:59

    5G and future Gs contend with an increasingly dynamic and heterogenous environment, with a multitude of vendors, wireless connectivity standards, requirements, verticals and use cases. The traditional approach inherited from telephony has been one based on careful, deterministic management. We present how such randomness, far from being detrimental, can beneficial when correctly exploited, and show that, surprisingly, random approaches in many cases are actually optimal.

    Muriel Médard - 2019 ICT Conference

    April 16, 2019Conference Video Duration: 37:44

    The Network in Network Coding

    In this talk, we overview the application of random linear network coding (RLNC) in a variety of layers of the network, ranging from right above the physical layer to the application layer. We show that coding can be included in a flexible fashion at multiple layers, without the need for selecting a single layer. We provide a few use cases.
    2019 MIT Information and Communication Technologies Conference

    Better Codes for Communications

    August 15, 2016MIT Faculty Feature Duration: 17:41

    Muriel Médard
    Cecil H. Green Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science