Gareth McKinley
Joseph Coughlin
Alan Jasanoff
Join the MIT Industrial Liaison Program for The COVID-19 Pandemic: What Next? with MIT Sloan professor and co-chair of the COVID-19 Policy Alliance, Simon Johnson. This one-hour webinar will provide an update on public health in the United States and its implications for the economy. Johnson will also cover various plausible alternative scenarios for reopening the US economy, and will allow ample time for questions and answers.
Understanding current state-of-the-art and anticipating major advances for autonomous systems, either in product development or on the manufacturing floor, is critical for many industries. This conference will offer a unique view into MIT research on tools and infrastructure for autonomous systems, as well as MIT’s vision of the future for this topic.
Join us to learn how to prepare for the increasing presence of autonomy and how to incorporate it to make your business more competitive, safer, adaptive, and more effective.
A Coronavirus Briefing with MIT
Webinar by Professor Simon Johnson