Principal Investigator Brian Anthony
OmniSci: Massively Accelerated Analytics and Data Science Aaron Williams VP of Marketing, OmniSci Uncountable: AI Platform for Material Development Will Tashman Cofounder & Chief Revenue Officer, Uncountable SafeMode: Empowering Drivers and Fleet Managers Ido Levy Founder & CEO, SafeMode Stable: Writing the blueprint for intelligent EV fleet charging Rohan Puri Cofounder & CEO, Stable Molten: Simplify your Media Operations Arjun Mendhi CEO, Molten Brelyon: Immersive Technology for Re-imagining the Future of Work and Play Barmak Heshmat CEO, Brelyon OnSpecta: Unique Virtualization Technology for Best Inference Hardware Performance Victor Jakubiuk Co-founder & CTO, OnSpecta