Principal Investigator Otto Cordero
Co-investigators Sallie Chisholm , Tami Lieberman , Tanja Bosak , Michael Follows , Andrew Babbin
Project Website
Project Start Date September 2020
An interdepartmental team of environmental scientists from MIT has received funding to develop a new program, called the MIT Integrative Microbiology Initiative (MIMI), aimed at enhancing the study of environmental sciences at MIT. The team of researchers and faculty, led by Professor Otto X. Cordero of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, hopes the new initiative will build on the rich history of Parsons Laboratory as a leader of the environmental science space, and help identify and develop the next generation of leaders in the field.
The $2.1 million funding for the program, provided by The Simons Foundation, will support first-year graduate students who join the interdepartmental microbiology PhD program at MIT, and who are interested in environmental problems. The group hopes to leverage the strong program to help build the new initiative.
Funding for the program will also support the “social infrastructure” of the program — seminars that bring together microbiologists from different departments. Eventually, as part of the initiative as well, the group plans to incorporate retreats designed to increase interaction and collaboration among environmental scientists across the Institute.
The hope for this group is that the new interdepartmental initiative will build bridges between environmental sciences in all sectors at MIT, create a strong community of researchers, and inspire collaboration.