Michael Schrage

Visiting Scholar / Lecturer
Research Fellow, Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE)
Visiting Fellow, Imperial College Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Areas of Interest and Expertise

Design and Deployment of New Products and Services
Role of Prototypes, Models and Simulations in Managing Innovation and Risk

Research Summary

Michael Schrage examines the various roles of models, prototypes, and simulations as collaborative media for innovation risk management. He has served as an advisor on innovation issues and investments to major firms, including Mars, Procter & Gamble, Google, Intel, BT, Siemens, NASDAQ, IBM, and Alcoa. In addition, Schrage has advised segments of the national security community on cyber conflict and cybersecurity issues. He has presented workshops on design experimentation and innovation risk for businesses, organizations, and executive education programs worldwide. Along with running summer workshops on future technologies for the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment, he has served on the technical advisory committee of MIT's Lincoln Laboratory. In collaboration with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Schrage helped launch a series of workshops sponsored by the Department of Defense on federal complex systems procurement. In 2007, he served as a judge for the Industrial Designers Society of America's global International Design Excellence Awards.

Recent Work

  • Video


    October 12, 2022Conference Video Duration: 47:53
    Michael Schrage
    Research Fellow, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, MIT Sloan School of Management
    Patrick Sheridan
    Global Head Digital Sustainability, Syngenta
    Mak Joshi
    Director of Strategy, Innovation, and Standards, Schneider Digital, Schneider Electric
    Gregory Norris
    Director, Sustainability and Health Initiative for NetPositive Enterprise (SHINE) at MIT 
    Marcelo Lu, Senior Vice President, Care Chemical North America, BASF Corporation