Principal Investigator John Essigmann
Co-investigators Bevin Engelward , Harold Hemond
Project Website
New technologies that promote environmental sustainability by means of increased energy efficiency or expanded renewable energy production require the use of novel materials. Many elements of the periodic table that were once of mainly scientific interest are now becoming of central importance to society. We propose to mount a collaborative program combining geochemistry and toxicology to assess potential risks to the environment and human health created by rare-earth elements, which have become widely used in recent years and are essential to maintain technological innovation. Our research will capitalize on the unique resources represented in the expertise of members of the MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences (CEHS) in geochemistry and cell and molecular toxicology to characterize adverse effects of lanthanides, in elemental and combined forms in which they occur in the environment, to which humans are exposed. New or expanded processes of mining, smelting, refining, fabrication, product deployment, and end-of-product-life disposal all call for appropriate evaluation of potential risks to both humans and the environment. This information is essential for optimizing choices among materials and processes in the quest for economically effective environmental solutions and means to improve sustainability.