Principal Investigators Anne Quaadgras , Joseph Doyle
Co-investigators Ernst Berndt , Jonas Oddur Jonasson , Dimitris Bertsimas , John Carroll , Robert Gibbons , Zen Chu , Vivek Farias , Katherine Kellogg , Andrew Lo , Erin Kelly , Georgia Perakis , Hazhir Rahmandad , Benjamin Roin , Anjali Sastry , Steven Spear , Catherine Tucker , Eric von Hippel , Juanjuan Zhang , Mert Demirer , Danielle Li , Dean Eckles , Tong Liu , Alexey Makarin , David Rand , Benjamin Vatter , Michael Whinston , Sinan Aral , Rahul Mazumder , Hazhir Rahmandad , Nikos Trichakis , Roy Welsch , Juanjuan Zhang , James Dougherty
Project Website
THe mission of the MIT Sloan Health Systems Initiative (HSI) is to improve health by discovering transformative and sustainable innovations through research and education with leaders in the field.
HSI explores, designs, and tests new innovations in healthcare analytics, operations and incentives. We bring these management lenses to tackle challenges in finding and adding value in healthcare systems. We also bring together industry leaders with world-class researchers and students to join projects in the field to improve health and lower healthcare costs.
Healthcare Analytics -- The future of healthcare analytics will be shaped by the continued proliferation of health data and an emerging suite of digital health tools powered by advances in machine learning. These tools have the potential to transform diagnostics, offer decision support that improves health, and provide insights that can lead to optimal treatment for individual patients. The breadth of expertise is helping leaders across the healthcare continuum develop these machine-learning tools, and aiding organizations with tool implementation, adaptation, and acceptance into their daily operations.
Healthcare Operations -- Faculty are working with industry leaders to re-design how healthcare is delivered. Working closely with industry leaders, we know how to successfully implement and scale system-level process improvements. We start by “thinking outside the clinic” with efforts to prevent disease by addressing social determinants of health, such as diet, exercise, and wellness visits. When a health problem does occur, our faculty are at the frontier of operations management, working to streamline the flow of patients and services within and across delivery locations. But simply developing new algorithms and processes isn’t enough to improve operations; our faculty includes leaders in workforce management with a deep understanding of change management and provider engagement at all levels of healthcare delivery. Work seeks to ensure that the right person is delivering the right care in the right place at the right time.
Healthcare Incentives -- The rise in healthcare costs is not sustainable, so a key question is how to slow the growth. We are applying our expertise in economics, finance and behavioral science to address these challenges. We are designing the interventions that motivate healthier behaviors by patients and best practices by providers.
In October, 2022, the HSI Lab on Employee Population Health was introduced. In the panels with practitioners and researchers, HSI explored links between employee population health and company performance, and how research with the HSI Lab might grow our understanding and recommend actions for improvement to both employee and company health.
HSI believes that actionable research is a fundamental part of discovering, implementing, and scaling innovations that can transform today’s health system. The leadership team and Advisory Board bring a wide variety of professional experiences to HSI, supporting our researchers' efforts. Researchers have deep expertise in multiple disciplines: Economics, finance, and behavioral science, Operations research and analytics and Work and organization studies.