Principal Investigator Raul Radovitzky
Co-investigator Simona Socrate
Project Website
The main focus of this project is on the development and validation of mesostructurally-based continuum level computational tools to enable high-fidelity full-scale simulations of the effect of blast and ballistic impact loading on woven fabrics and woven reinforced composites. This project will leverage the experience and tools developed by the team in previous ISN efforts, which had primarily focused on Kevlar neat fabrics, to explore new material systems for fabric and composites of interest to the Army. Long-standing synergistic and productive collaborations with researchers at ARL/WMRD (Dr. Tusit Weerasooriya's group) will help focus and guide the proposed effort. Key new aspects of this project include (1) the investigation of novel matrix materials for woven reinforced composites, leveraging our collaboration with Dr. Alex Hsieh (ARL/WMRD) on the experimental characterization and modeling of custom-designed polymeric systems; (2) the investigation of novel materials and architecture for the woven reinforcement, and the extension of the model to high performance UHMWPE fibers such as Dyneema; (3) the implementation of failure /crack propagation computational models under impact loading conditions; (4) the implementation of the model within a framework that will allow simulation of fabric and composite response under blast loading. Following a well established transitioning pathway, work at the ISN will focus on model implementation and validation under low-intermediate rate impact loading, and the validated model will then be transitioned to ARL/WMRD and other interested ARMY Labs to be used as a tool for the optimizations of material and systems for Soldier protection against ballistic and blast threats.