Principal Investigator Karen Willcox
Co-investigators Ruben Juanes , Luis Cueto-Felgueroso
Project Website
The DiaMonD Center addresses the challenges of end-to-end, data-to-decisions modeling and simulation for complex problems in computational science and engineering in a unified and integrated way. DiaMonD Center goals are (1) to develop advanced mathematical methods for multiphysics and multiscale problems driven by frontier DOE applications, including those in subsurface energy and environmental flows, materials for energy storage and conversion, and climate systems; (2) to create theory and algorithms for integrated inversion, optimization, and uncertainty quantification for these complex problems; and (3) to disseminate the Center's "data-to-decisions" approach to the broader applied math and computational science communities through workshops and other forms of outreach.
Research areas include:Multiphysics MethodsMultiscale MethodsFast AlgorithmsModel Validation & InadequacyMultimodel & Multifidelity MethodsModel ReductionInverse Problems & Data FusionOptimal Design & ControlUncertainty Quantification