Principal Investigator Fikile Brushett
Project Website
The mission of the Brushett Research Group is to accelerate the development of transformative electrochemical energy systems with an overarching goal of enabling sustainable technologies. To this end, we employ microfluidic, electrochemical, and spectroscopic methods to understand the fundamental atomic and molecular-level science that challenges next-generation devices. Building on this knowledge, we then apply engineering principles to design high performance electrochemically-active materials and to develop efficient electrochemical processes. Though this approach is broadly applicable, we are particularly interested in electromobility and distributed energy storage realized through fuel cells, advanced batteries, and electrolyzers.
A grand challenge of 21st century will be the development of efficient and sustainable means of energy conversion, distribution, and storage on a global scale. Energy is of central importance to society and the abundance, availability, and affordability of liquid fossil fuels has been a key progress driver over the past century. However, depleting fossil energy, increasing global population, improving living standards in large population centers, and growing concerns about climate change and air quality, necessitate the development of safe, clean, and sustainable alternative energy systems that can meet the demands of the next 50+ years. Electrochemical energy storage and conversion will play a key role in any future scenario, especially for transportation and bulk electricity generation. As compared to combustion processes, electrochemical processes offer higher intrinsic conversion efficiencies, milder operating conditions, and greatly reduced concerns for air quality and climate change. Moreover, electrochemical systems have tremendous potential to enable new high-value services ranging from longer lasting sensors and wearable electronics to cheaper electric vehicles with increased driving range to renewables integration and clean power for the electric grid. Unfortunately, to date, many these systems are lack the power/energy density, cost-effectiveness, and operating lifetime to enable these new applications or to displace present fossil-based technologies.
The research group focuses on advancing the science and engineering of high-performance, robust, and economical electrochemical systems. We employ microfluidic platforms and synchrotron-based imaging approaches, in combination with more traditional lab-scale analytical techniques, to understand the fundamental processes that limit the present systems. We are particularly interested in understanding the interplay between kinetic, transport, and degradation phenomena under realistic operating conditions. Then, based on this knowledge, we use engineering principles to design and evaluate electrochemically-active materials and to conceptualize and develop new electrochemical processes and systems.
The research approach is broadly applicable, but we are presently focused on the following topics:
(*) Membraneless Microfluidic Fuel Cells: Flexible Power Sources and Electroanalytical Platforms
(*) High Energy Low Cost Redox Flow Batteries: Enabling Distributed Storage through New Chemistries and Architectures
(*) Operandi Imaging of Electrochemical Systems: Understanding Mechanisms of Charge Storage and Conversion
(*) Design of Non-Precious Metal Electrocatalysts: Developing new Catalysts for Fuel Cells, Carbon Dioxide Electrolysis, and Electrosynthesis