Principal Investigator Madeleine Hall-Arber
MIT Sea Grant helped Massachusetts Lobsterman's Association (MLA) file a petition in fall 2010 under the USDA Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts's lobster industry. Evidence was provided to support the claim that prices and production of American lobster in Massachusetts were negatively affected by foreign imports in 2009. On September 24, 2010, that petition was certified, paving the way for the Commonwealth's lobstermen to receive benefits through the TAA program.
The TAA program provides free technical training and cash benefits for eligible farmers and fishermen whose businesses have experienced adverse impacts from foreign imports. The program is designed to help individuals increase profitability, improve production efficiency, consider marketing opportunities, and evaluate alternative enterprises.
Over 900 lobstermen in Massachusetts signed up for the program. Each will take 12 hours of intensive workshops and write a short-term business plan. Then, if they choose to continue with the program, they will be assigned a business consultant who will work one-on-one with the lobstermen to help them develop a long-term business plan.