Principal Investigator John Williams
Co-investigators Joseph Ferreira , Olivier de Weck , Abel Sanchez , Christopher Ross Leonardi , Sanjay Sarma , Allan F Doyle , Ethan Zuckerman , Thomas Levenson
Project Website
Project Start Date May 2010
The MIT Geospatial Data Center is dedicated to Large Scale Simulation, Cyber Physical Security, Big Data, and Holistic System Data Visualization
On May 18, 2010, three MIT laboratories – MIT Auto-ID Lab (including MIT GeoNumerics Group), MIT Center for Grid Computing, and MIT Intelligent Engineering Systems Lab -- were integrated, so as to be more responsive and to provide greater value-add to various Engineering Computation projects. On May 27, 2010, the integrated MIT labs were entitled, the “MIT Geospatial Data Center” (MIT GDC). Professor John Williams, was named the Director of the MIT GDC. Dr. Abel Sanchez, was named Executive Director of the MIT GDC.
The MIT GDC Team consists of MIT Faculty, Research Staff, Center Staff, Visiting Scholars and Scientists, Affiliated Researchers, Undergraduate Students, and Graduate Students.
GDC has several technical leads, who provide specialized vantage points in the architecting of an open source geospatial platform that uses real-time locating systems (RTLS), parallel processing (GPU, multicore), and semantic analysis (support vector machines).
GDC works to connect geospatial theory with practice and create geospatial software platforms to allow for excellence in research and education. GDC research projects include the application of geospatial data to optimize supply-chain management and to address cyber security issues, as well providing accurate and advanced data collection to evaluate climate, energy, water, sanitation, and health concerns.