Principal Investigator Tomas Palacios
Co-investigators Jeffrey Grossman , Jing Kong , Anantha Chandrakasan , Markus Buehler , Pablo Jarillo-Herrero , Michael Strano , Pedro Reis , Yang Shao-Horn , Marin Soljacic , Jeehwan Kim , Jakub T Kedzierski , Anastasios Hart , Dirk Englund , Leonid Levitov , Ju Li , Timothy Swager
Project Website
The MIT/MTL Center for Graphene Devices and 2D Systems (MIT-CG) brings together MIT researchers and industrial partners to advance the science and engineer- ing of graphene and other two-dimensional materials.
Graphene and other two-dimensional (2D) materials are revolutionizing electronics, mechanical and chemical engineering, physics and many other disciplines thanks to their extreme properties. These materials are the lightest, thinnest, strongest materials we know of, at the same time that they have very rich electronic and chemical properties. For more than 40 years, MIT has led the work on the science and engineering of 2D materials. More recently, since 2011, the MIT/MTL Center for Graphene Devices and 2D Systems (MIT-CG) has played a key role in coordinating most of the work going on at MIT on these new materials, and in bringing together MIT faculty and students, with leading companies and government agencies interested in taking these materials from a science wonder to an engineering reality.
Specifically, the Center explores advanced technologies and strategies that enable 2D materials, devices, and systems to provide discriminating or break-through capabilities for a variety of system applications ranging from energy generation/storage and smart fabrics and materials to optoelectronics, RF communications, and sensing. In all these applications, the MIT-CG supports the development of the science, technology, tools, and analysis for the creation of a vision for the future of new systems enabled by 2D materials.
Some of the multiple benefits of the Center’s membership include complimentary attendance to meetings, industry focus days, and live webcasting of seminars related to the main research directions of the Center. The members of the Center also gain access to a resume book that connects students with potential employers, as well as access to timely white papers on key issues regarding the challenges and opportunities of these new technologies. There are also numerous opportunities to collaborate with leading researchers on projects that address some of today’s challenges for these materials, devices, and systems.