Principal Investigator Bradley Olsen
Co-investigator Rosabelli Coelho-Keyssar
Project Website
Project Start Date September 2009
Brazil is the fifth most populous country and has the sixth largest economy in the world.
Endowed with a vast territory and abundant natural resources, Brazil’s export-oriented economy is grounded in a well-developed agricultural sector, as well as in manufacturing. The country has strong aerospace, pharmaceutical, and information technology industries and an exceptionally balanced energy matrix.
Each year through the MIT-Brazil Program, MIT students intern and conduct research in Brazilian universities, companies and labs. The MIT-Brazil Seed Fund facilitates research collaboration between MIT faculty and their Brazilian counterparts. Partners are leading Brazilian and multinational companies, universities and research organizations.
BRAZIL SEED FUNDS: Seed funds for Brazil promote cutting-edge research collaborations and help to deepen partnerships between MIT faculty and researchers and their Brazilian counterparts.
Lemann Seed Fund for Collaborative Projects -- Launched in 2015 with support from the Lemann Foundation the fund primarily supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities in Brazil and seeks to advance MIT’s outreach efforts through connections with Brazilian foundations, companies, universities and research institutions. Projects should be focused on education in Brazil, including education policy, educational technology, educational reform, and entrepreneurship and innovation in education. The Brazilian colleague(s) must be identified in the proposal. Proposals should include a narrative and budget. The maximum award is $30,000.
MIT-Brazil Seed Fund -- Launched in 2009 with support from Santander Universities and co-funding arrangements with Brazilian partners, the fund provides travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities and research institutes in Brazil. The Brazilian colleague(s) must be identified in the proposal. The maximum award is $30,000.