Co-investigators Kate A Nelson , Brian Anthony , Alfredo Alexander-Katz , Markus Buehler , Douglas L Allaire , Barbara E Lechner , Anthony Patera , Karen Willcox , Klaus-Jürgen Bathe , Paul Barton , Eric Alm , Saurabh Amin , Dimitris Bertsimas , W Carter , Luca Daniel , Olivier de Weck , Laurent Demanet , Mark Drela , Alan Edelman , Benoit Forget , Robert Freund , Daniel Frey , Ahmed Ghoniem , William Green , Jeffrey Grossman , Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou , Jongyoon Han , Wesley Harris , Patrick Heimbach , Steven Johnson , Ruben Juanes , Kenneth Kamrin , Manolis Kellis (Kamvysselis) , Pierre Lermusiaux , Retsef Levi , Thomas Magnanti , Dennis McLaughlin , Pablo Parrilo , Raul Radovitzky , Ramesh Raskar , Rodolfo Rosales , Caroline Ross , Bruce Tidor , Bernhardt Trout , Joel Voldman , Qiqi Wang , Jacob White , Bilge Yildiz , Sidney Yip
Project Website
Project Start Date October 2009
The Center for Computational Engineering supports computational engineering research and education at MIT. Emphasis is on the development of new computational methods relevant to engineering disciplines and on the innovative application of computational methods to important problems in engineering and science.
MIT’s Center for Computational Engineering (CCE) was established in 2008. The center is comprised of faculty and research partners from across the School of Engineering, as well as other departments and units involved in computational engineering education and research around MIT.
Focus is on computational approaches for engineering problems: the formulation and implementation of new approaches that are more efficient and capable; and the informed application of existing approaches to important engineering questions. Emphasis is on the development of the “next generation” of innovators and innovations.
Research projects are are focused on several major methodology themes and several major applications themes. The methodology themes are M1 High Performance Computation and Computational Foundations; M2 Multiscale, Multiphysics, Multifidelity Simulations; M3 Computational Design, Optimization, and Control; M4 Integration of Data and Simulation, and M5 Computational Geometry and Scientific Visualization.
CEE offers two interdisciplinary educational programs, a masters in Computation for Design & Optimization (CDO) and a doctorate in Computational Science & Engineering (CSE).