Entry Date:
May 8, 2009

pV3 (Parallel Visual3)

pV3 (which stands for parallel Visual3), is a distributed system, that builds heavily on the technology developed for Visual3. It has been designed specifically for co-processing visualization of data generated in a distributed and parallel compute arenas. It is also designed to allow the solver to run as independently as possible. If the solution procedure takes hours to days, pV3 can 'plug-into' the calculation, allow viewing of the data as it changes, then can 'unplug' with the worst side-effect being the temporary allocation of memory and a possible load imbalance.

Visual3 is an interactive graphics environment for the visualization of 3D, structured and/or unstructured data. This volumetric data may be steady or time varying.

Visual3 is callable from FORTRAN as well as C, and uses X and the native 3D API for optimum drawing speeds. Since it uses true color rendering Visual3 requires atleast 24 bits of color. Also, there is hardware dialbox support.