Principal Investigator Don Camelio
Project Website
The Community Development and Substance Abuse (CDSA) Center for Prevention, Policy, and Research functions to serve all members of the MIT community in a comprehensive effort to enhance academic, social, and personal development. Overall, the CDSA advocates for the strengthening of a campus culture that promotes informed, responsible decision making, and the reduction of harm that is often associated with alcohol use, including poor academic performance, violence, high-risk sexual behavior, sexual assault, and addiction.
Although only a small minority of MIT students have a problem with drinking, their actions effect the entire MIT community.
The CDSA programs office aims to improve community relations through the creation and implementation of:
(1) MIT Community Forums: town hall meetings between administration and students to discuss issues and policies associated with alcohol and other drugs(2) Community Interventions: programs tailored to residential floors, greek chapters, or dormitories to discuss specific issues within the community and devise a response to address or prevent similar issues in the future. The Campus Alcohol Advisory Board (CAAB), an Institute-community coalition, successfully developed and implemented 18 "Frank Talks about Alcohol" programs in the student living communities(3) Educational Resources: through informational brochures, posters, and advertisements(4) Support Initiatives for Parents including distribution of the Alcohol 101 interactive CDROM and information for parents describing how to talk to your student about alcohol and other drugs(5) Events and Program: co-sponsored with student organizations and other departments.(6) Don't Cancel That Class: If an instructor plan to be absent from a scheduled class meeting, faculty members are welcome to request CDSA staff to present programs on AOD-related issues in lieu of canceling class.