Principal Investigator Sally Susnowitz
Project Website…
Mauritius is a small island and a developing state in the Indian Ocean, off the East coast of Madagascar. The School Footprinting Initiative is a three-year environmental education project which challenges students to measure and reduce the environmental impact of their school. Through an Expedition Grant and a Public Service Fellowship, the project obtained approval from the Government of Mauritius, gained the support of local universities and other organizations, and secured a promise of funding from Shell Mauritius Ltd.
The program is now being led by the University of Technology, Mauritius, in partnership with Mauritius Institute of Education and Mauritius Research Council. MIT students and faculty who are interested in helping with the program should contact Christopher directly.
The project is being launched in eight schools in 2007, with an expansion to 16 and 32 schools planned in 2008 and 2009 respectively.