Principal Investigator Douglas Hart
Co-investigators C Dewey , Anette Hosoi , Roger Kamm , Gareth McKinley , Anthony Patera , Todd Thorsen , Rohit Karnik , Evelyn Wang , Thomas Peacock
Project Website
The Hatsopolous Microfluids laboratory (HML) was created within the Department of Mechanical Engineering as a center for research activities which focus on understanding the dynamics of fluid with microstructure and the emerging science of microfluidics. The HML consists of a single open-plan 6300 ft2 laboratory that houses seven active and three emeritus faculty plus over 45 students and postdoctoral researchers. A broad overview of the principal research areas of faculty members within the laboratory is summarized below:
(*) Optical imaging of complex flows(*) Rheology and dynamics of complex fluids(*) Dynamics of thin films(*) Flow stability(*) Flow-structure interactions(*) Flow in microfluidic devices and 'lab-on-a-chip' applications(*) Biofluid mechanics and biorheology(*) Capillary phenomena and contact line dynamics
The HML presently has eight full-time faculty who teach classes and conduct cutting-edge research. The HML is also a haven for visiting scientists, faculty and post-docs to conduct their research using MIT's immense mental and physical facilities. Below you can find links to each of the faculty members, as well as lists of the visiting scholars and their research interests.