Principal Investigator Alan White
Project Website
Every summer, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) sends approximately 20 fellows to MIT Sloan for six intensive weeks. The men and women in the program are selected for their leadership potential from the ASEAN countries of Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Turkey and Vietnam. During this six week learning experience, the Nanyang Fellows have the opportunity to network with both their peers from MIT Sloan and from Mexico's ITESM.
More than a decade ago, MIT Sloan and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore signed a five-year agreement to strengthen their activities in management education and research. MIT Sloan faculty taught courses at NTU, NTU faculty enrolled in MIT Sloan programs, and the two schools held joint conferences and symposia. MIT Sloan helped NTU establish its business school and a twelve-month Nanyang Fellows Programme that offers immersion in Asia and exposure to the West.
Today, the formal MIT Sloan-NTU agreement has expired, but the relationship endures. Every summer the Nanyang Fellows — approximately twenty men and women selected for their leadership potential in ASEAN countries (e.g., Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Turkey and Vietnam) — spend six weeks at MIT Sloan. Afterward, MIT Sloan faculty meet with the fellows to augment what they have learned, a session popularly known as "the icing on the cake."
An exciting outgrowth of the MIT Sloan-NTU collaboration is the Singapore-MIT Alliance, a collaboration of MIT, NTU, and the National University of Singapore that promotes engineering education and research at a global level. Using distance-learning technologies, the Singapore-MIT Alliance spans twelve time zones with classes delivered by faculty at all three institutions.
Members of the MIT Sloan faculty work with MIT's School of Engineering (the administrator of the program) to deliver multi-faceted knowledge that recognizes the crucial link between effective management and effective technology in the 21st century.