Principal Investigator Rajeev Ram
Project Website
The Physical Optics and Electronics Group within the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) pursues investigations in two major thrusts. The first is in integrated photonics, the second is in electron transport in semiconductors. Current work includes research on high index contrast waveguides, magneto-optical devices, lateral bandgap engineering, quantum dot devices, active thermoelectric devices, hot electron transport in high mobility devices, direct thermal to electrical energy conversion, and scanning probe microscopy.
Major Research Themes are:
High Fidelity Optical Communications -- Develop optical communication systems using advanced devices for enhanced signal fidelity. We are exploring large scale digital links with high signal-to-noise ratio and microwave photonic links with high dynamic range.
Integrated Biosystems and Biosensing -- Develop advanced instrumentation for enhancing both basic research in cellular and molecular biology and the biological production of therapeutics and small molecules.
Silicon Photonics -- Develop advanced photonic devices in CMOS and beyond-CMOS materials systems. Systems ranging from high-speed signal processing to processor interconnects are being explored.
Advanced Photonic Devices -- Provide new optical system functionality by exploiting novel physics from quantum interference to electron spin.
Nanoparticle Physics -- Synthesis of metallic and semiconductor particles with dimensions below 100 nm has enabled control of materials properties ranging from color to magnetic moment. We have explored the fundamental limits to nanoparticle performance with particular emphasis on information technologies ranging from magnetic storage to high-throughout biological screening.
Nanoscale Energy Transport -- The goal of this work has been to exploit the ability of electrons to transport energy. Electronic energy transport can be used to develop electronics that cool under operation as well as to generate power from waste heat.