Principal Investigator Sang-Gook Kim
Co-investigators Jung-Hoon Chun , Daniel Jackson , Sanjay Sarma
Project Website
Systems enable humans to achieve common goals, operate complicated tasks, function interactively with multitudes of other agents and actors, communicate among and with their diverse individual elements, survive in a hostile environment, maintain a continuity of purpose and goals, and guarantee the survival of physical and biological entities. Systems of interest are natural systems, engineered systems, and socio-political economic systems. Many of these systems are highly complex, defying comprehensive understanding and easy manipulation. Human beings design and operate some of these systems, and often are governed by the systems, which nature and humans have created.
The Park Center for Complex Systems at MIT was established in 2002 to conduct educational and research programs in the field of complexity and complex systems. The Park Center was created as the research of its predecessor organization, the Manufacturing Institute at MIT, had been increasingly diversified to deal with complexity issues in many fields of engineering and science, including the field of manufacturing.
The Park Center is named to honor an MIT alumnus, Dr. BJ Park and his wife Mrs. Chunghi Park, who have provided a generous gift to fund operating costs, including graduate and post-doctoral fellowships.
The mission of the Park Center for Complex Systems is to research and understand complexity, to educate students and scholars on complexity, to design complex systems for the benefit of humankind, and to disseminate knowledge on complexity to the world at large. In particular,
(1) To conduct basic research in complexity
(2) To demonstrate the power of basic scientific framework for complexity by designing robust, stable and reliable engineered systems
(3) To reduce complexity of existing systems through the application of complexity theory
(4) To understand the complexity of natural systems through the application of the complexity theory to the workings of biological and environmental systems
(5) To apply the complexity theory in improving socio-economic political systems for their efficient design and operation
This mission will be accomplished by persistently pursuing fundamental research in the field of complexity and applying the knowledge to complex systems design for a variety of industry applications.
One research focus is the development of a low-cost desalination process that can accrue an order-of-magnitude energy savings while also being competitive in terms of capital and maintenance costs, water recovery ratio, and throughput. As a first step, we use a capacitive circuit to electrochemically adsorb the ions on the surface of high surface area electrodes. A novel discharge scheme is being designed at our lab that can reduce the downtime of the process by half or more thereby considerably increasing throughput.