Principal Investigator Howard Herzog
Project Website
Project Start Date January 1989
Project End Date December 2006
The Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies (CC&ST) Program at MIT conducts research into technologies to capture, utilize, and store CO2 from large stationary sources. Initiated in 1989, the program is internationally recognized as a leader in this field. A major component of the program is the Carbon Sequestration Initiative, an industrial consortium launched in July 2000.
Research examines carbon sequestration from multiple perspectives, including technical, economic, and political. Current research interests include technology assessments, economic modeling, analysis of regulatory and political aspects, and development of a Carbon Management Geographic Information System (GIS).
To complement this research, CC&ST has a strong commitment to stakeholder outreach and education. As such, an annual Carbon Sequestration Forum is held each fall. Other current outreach activities include participation in the IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage and the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum.
Technology Overview -- Carbon sequestration is a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It complements two other major approaches for greenhouse gas reduction, namely improving energy efficiency and increasing use of non-carbon energy sources. Interest has been increasing in the carbon sequestration option because it is very compatible with the large energy production and delivery infrastructure now in place. All three approaches will need to make significant contributions in order to meet the objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, that is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
There are two primary types of carbon sequestration. Our program focuses on carbon dioxide capture and storage, where carbon dioxide is captured at its source (e.g., power plants, industrial processes) and subsequently stored in non-atmospheric reservoirs (e.g., depleted oil and gas reservoirs, unmineable coal seams, deep saline formations, deep ocean). The other type of carbon sequestration focuses on enhancing natural processes to increase the removal of carbon from the atmosphere (e.g., forestation).
Carbon Sequestration Initiative (CSI)The Carbon Sequestration Initiative (CSI) is an industrial consortium formed to investigate carbon capture and storage technologies. The consortium began in July 2000. Currently there are eleven sponsors: Alstom Power, American Electric Power, American Petroleum Institute, Aramco Services, ChevronTexaco, Electricité de France (EDF), EPRI, ExxonMobil, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Peabody Energy.
The Consortium objectives include:(*) Provide an objective source of assessment and information about carbon sequestration. (*) Establish a members' information network to provide timely updates on relevant activities and new findings. (*) Explore the societal and technical aspects of carbon sequestration. (*) Educate a wider audience on the possibilities of carbon sequestration. (*) Link industry to expanding government activities on these topics. (*) Stimulate and seed new research ideas. (*) Create an annual forum for strategic thinking and identification of new business opportunities.