Principal Investigator Patrick Jaillet
Co-investigator Myriam Zuber
Project Website
With the fifth-largest economy in the world, France is home to thriving aerospace, nuclear, chemicals, ICT and pharmaceutical industries.
France's innovation clusters bring together world-class engineering schools and research centers with start-ups and global companies.
Each year through the MIT-France program, over 80 MIT students intern and conduct research in French companies and labs. The MIT-France See Fund facilitates dozens of research collaborations between MIT faculty and their French counterparts. Partners are leading French companies, universities and research organizations.
FRANCE SEED FUND: The MIT-France Seed Fund, funded equally by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and MIT, supports new collaborations between faculty and research scientists at MIT and their counterparts in France.
The MIT-France Seed Fund, a $2 million endowment funded equally by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and MIT, supports new collaborations between faculty and research scientists at MIT and their counterparts in France.
Through an annual call for proposals, the fund primarily supports travel costs for exchange between a team at MIT and colleagues in universities and public research in France. The French colleague(s) must be identified in the proposal. The maximum award is $30,000.