Principal Investigator Martha Mangelsdorf
Project Website
The MIT Sloan Management Review is MIT Sloan’s quarterly research journal, a trusted source of useful and innovative ideas for business leaders. Its peer-reviewed articles bridge the gap between academia and management practice -- keeping managers informed of the latest trends in corporate strategy, leadership, management of technology, innovation, and more.
Sloan Management Review (SMR) provides senior managers with the best current management theory and practice. The peer-reviewed, quarterly journal covers all management disciplines, with a particular emphasis on corporate strategy, organizational change, and management of technology and innovation.
Founded in 1960, SMR is renowned for introducing ground-breaking business strategies before they're widely accepted, offering business leaders a critical competitive advantage. SMR benefits from its access to the leading-edge thinking and experts at MIT, but goes much further -- offering a forum for the best innovators from all over the globe. The ongoing mission is to provide practicing managers with thought-provoking strategies that offer real-world solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow.