Entry Date:
May 13, 1999

Global Accords for Sustainable Development (GSSD) Consortium: Reducing the Global Knowledge Gap

Principal Investigator Nazli Choucri

The Consortium of Global Accords for Sustainable Development (GSSD) is committed to reducing the gap between knowledge and policy. Its founding members and collaborators consist of governmental institutions, corporations, research foundations, and academic institutions. Through innovative uses of advanced information technologies, the mission is to create new knowledge coupled with a novel form of institutional synergism to facilitate transitions toward sustainability. Operationally, the consortium focuses on enabling mechanisms and institutional innovations.

The core mission of the GSSD Consortium is to reduce knowledge gaps between industrial and developing countries in decision-making for sustainability by:

(*) Contributing to global policy formation through a range of targeted knowledge-based stakeholder deliberations;

(*) Creating a virtual “knowledge-bank” on sustainable development drawing on the powerful but disparate and unconnected knowledge bases worldwide;

(*) Encouraging “knowledge-brokerage” as well as networking and transaction facilities to help close the gap between ”demand” and “supply” of knowledge, and between prevailing “problems” and potential “solutions”;

(*) Enhancing potentials for implementation and feedback through knowledge-based policy dialogues at all levels and in all contexts; and

(*) Helping to drive policy on sustainable development, based on shared knowledge, new technology frontiers, and the consolidating efforts of partners.